Nilorea Library
C utilities for networking, threading, graphics
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CANIM_DATAAnimation properties
 CANIM_FRAMEStruct of the properties of a frame in an animation
 CANIM_GFXStruct of an animation
 CANIM_LIBStructure of a library of gfxs
 CCELLCell of a MAP
 CCONFIG_FILEStructure of a config file
 CCONFIG_FILE_SECTIONStructure of a config section
 CCYPHER_PARAMStructure of a n_vigenere_cypher_thread param
 CDATAString and int holder
 CExceptionContextListException stack structure
 CGAME_ENVGame Environment structure
 CHASH_DATAUnion of the possibles data values of a node
 CHASH_NODEStructure of a hash table node
 CHASH_TABLEStructure of a hash table
 CLISTStructure of a generic LIST container
 CLIST_NODEStructure of a generic list node
 CLOG_LEVELSInternal struct to handle log types
 CMAPMAP with objects, tiles, skins
 CN_FILE_INFOCommon file information
 CN_FLUIDStructure of a fluid
 CN_FLUID_THREAD_PARAMSStructure passed to a threaded fluid process
 CN_KAFKAStructure of a KAFKA consumer or producer handle
 CN_KAFKA_EVENTStructure of a KAFKA message
 CN_PCREN_PCRE structure
 CN_SOCKETStructure of a N_SOCKET
 CN_STRA box including a string and his lenght
 CN_TIMETiming Structure
 CN_USERUSER management cell
 CNETW_MSGNetwork message, array of char and int
 CNETWORK_POOLStructure of a network pool
 CPARTICLEStructure of a single particle
 CPARTICLE_SYSTEMStructure of a particle system
 CPHYSICSStructure of the physics of an object
 CSTACKSTACK structure
 CTHREAD_POOLStructure of a trhead pool
 CTHREAD_POOL_NODEA thread pool node
 CTHREAD_WAITING_PROCStructure of a waiting process item
 CTS_LOGThreadSafe LOGging structure