Nilorea Library
C utilities for networking, threading, graphics
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 ex_network.hNilorea Library n_network api test
 n_3d.hSimple 3D movement simulation
 n_allegro5.hAllegro5 helpers
 n_anim.hAnimations graphics and animations parameters
 n_base64.hBase64 encoding and decoding functions using N_STR
 n_common.hCommon headers and low-level hugly functions & define
 n_config_file.hConfig file reading and writing
 n_crypto.hVigenere encoding and decoding functions using N_STR/files
 n_enum.hMacro to build enums and their tostring counterparts, a reduced version of
 n_exceptions.hException management for C
 n_files.hFiles configuration header
 n_fluids.hFluid management port from "How to write an Eulerian fluid simulator with 200 lines of code", by Ten Minute Physics ( )
 n_games.hGames helpers functions
 n_hash.hHash functions and table
 n_iso_engine.hMap loading, saving, with objects, animations, ..
 n_kafka.hKafka generic produce and consume event header
 n_list.hList structures and definitions
 n_log.hGeneric log system
 n_network.hNetwork Engine
 n_network_msg.hNetwork messages , serialization tools
 n_nodup_log.hGeneric No Dup Log system
 n_particles.hParticles management
 n_pcre.hPCRE helpers for regex matching
 n_signals.hSignals general handling with stack printing, from
 n_str.hN_STR and string function declaration
 n_thread_pool.hThread pool declaration
 n_time.hTiming utilities
 n_user.hUSERS handling for tiny game apps
 n_zlib.hZLIB compression handler
 nilorea.hHeader for a monolith use
 n_3d.c3D helpers, vector
 n_allegro5.cAllegro5 helpers
 n_anim.cAnim functions
 n_base64.cBase64 encode decode function, adapted from
 n_common.cCommon function
 n_config_file.cCommon function
 n_crypto.cVigenere encode decode function
 n_exceptions.cExceptionContextList management for C
 n_files.cFiles main source file
 n_fluids.cFluid management functions , ported from
 n_games.cGames helpers functions
 n_hash.cHash functions and table
 n_iso_engine.cMap loading, saving, with objects, animations, ..
 n_kafka.cGeneric kafka consume and produce event functions
 n_list.cPointer list functions definitions
 n_log.cGeneric logging system
 n_network.cNetwork Engine
 n_network_msg.cNetwork messages function Network Engine
 n_nodup_log.cGeneric no duplicate logging system
 n_particles.cParticle function file for SantaHack 2012
 n_pcre.cPCRE helpers for regex matching
 n_signals.cSignals general handling with stack printing
 n_stack.cStack functions definitions
 n_str.cString function Everything you need to use string is here
 n_thread_pool.cThread pool functions
 n_time.cCommon time function
 n_user.cUSERS fonctions
 n_zlib.cZLIB compression handler