New portapack mayhem app, Level app !

Level app interface

The level app is as simple as possible and allow you to monitor available level meters in a single view.
There is a live graph of each RSSI values and power level.

Link to Documentation

Link to official Nightly build

or click to download compiled version at the time of the post (bin only)

#hackrf #portapack #mayhem #level-app

Edit: it’s the hundredth post of that blog, yay !

HackRF Portapack Mayhem Firmware, Search/Freqman evolution branch

On top of the existing ‘search and stay X seconds after a match’ the SearchApp have been updated with a ‘search and stay’ mode: stay while matching, leave after X seconds of inactivity, reset counters on activity during the wait. mode,
To use it just specify a negative value in the ‘wait’ field using the rotary encoder.

As some have some problems getting the bin back from discord, here you are:

The documentation is on the wiki, here:

Github page:

Portapack firmware with Search App and updated Freqman files (based on latest next )

  • I’ve build an up to date firmware with the last updates from next and the last version from search app and freqman enhancements.
  • The Search app is in the ‘receive’ menu
  • The documentation is here :
  • -Freqman now do understand freq files with that format:
    f=468000000 f=468000000,d=Single Freq f=468000000,m=AM,d=Single Freq AM f=468000000,m=NFM,d=Single Freq NFM f=468000000,m=WFM,d=Single Freq WFM f=468000000,m=AM,b=DSB,d=Single Freq AM DSB f=468000000,m=AM,b=USB,d=Single Freq AM USB f=468000000,m=AM,b=LSB,d=Single Freq AM LSB a=87000000,b=110000000 a=87000000,b=110000000,m=AM,s=100KHz,d=AM radio search a=87000000,b=110000000,m=AM,b=DSB,s=250KHz,d=AM radio search LSB a=87000000,b=110000000,m=WFM,b=16k,s=50KHz,d=WFM radio search s=50KHz r=430150000,t=430550000 r=430150000,t=430550000,d=HAM radio r=430150000,t=430550000,m=AM,b=DSB,d=HAM radio
  • The freqman GUI have note been improved and may show partial results on new formatted lines
  • Description of the fields:
    f=freq for one frequency or a=start_frequency,b=end_frequency for a range
  • All fields except ‘f=freq’ or ‘a=freqA,b=freqB’ are mandatory. If nothing specified actual value is used.
  • As a reminder :
    -Most of the time if the Search app is not working as you expected it’s coming from a SDCARD problem.
    -You need a SDCARD for the Search app to save settings between runs and between settings menu / main gui, and you need a SEARCH folder at the root of it.
    -Don’t forget to check that by default the ‘input: load’ fields in ‘search app -> params -> more ‘ are all checked.
    -You HAVE to click save in ordre to save the settings.