scp error: path canonicalization failed

If you’re doing scp command, with ‘-r’ recursive option, and stumble upon a strange “path canonicalization failed” out of nowhere:

Starting from SSH 9.0.0 scp is using sFTP to copy files. And in sFTP, target directories must exist.

Simple fix: use -O, legacy mode:

“Use the legacy SCP protocol for file transfers instead of the SFTP protocol. Forcing the use of the SCP protocol may be necessary for servers that do not implement SFTP, for backwards-compatibility for particular filename wildcard patterns and for expanding paths with a `~’ prefix for older SFTP servers”


Ultimate HackRF Portapack Mayhem Upgrade Guide

2023-2024 Edition


When updating your devices, you may sometimes encounter problems that are directly related to the way you updated and to the changes that have occurred between your version jump.

That guide does not pretend to solve all the problems, some are real issues that have to be opened on the Mayhem GITHUB issues tracker.

On the other hand, if you have followed that guide and still have a problem, your issue have better chances to be solved as it will be possible to set aside common updates related problems.

List of important steps:

  • download all necessary files (it means at least SDCARD apps and firmware bin file !!)
  • have a reliable USB cable
  • ensure that your button battery is not dead, else use ‘PMem to Sdcard’ options in ‘Settings’
  • ensure that your CPLD is up to date (no need to update each time, but be sure at least once)
  • flash the firmware
  • update sdcard content (do not forget to update APPS if you’re manually refreshing !)
  • if you are having strange apps problems, try a factory default reset. It’s important to note that you will loose your settings and will have to set them back if you’re doing that step
  • always go and check the settings after the updates, we may have added things that changed the memory layout of settings thus messing them.

You may search each each steps details in the Mayhem GITHUB Wiki, particularly in the following sections:

#hackrf #portapack #mayhem #update #upgrade #guide

GPT4 analysis by Two Minutes Papers

#GPT4 is so amazing that it is a little bit frightening.

But hey, you can pour it a book and talk… to the book, isn’t it amazing ??

Seriously, the GPTs are incredible and the futur is going to change for sure.

Good or bad, well, wait and see.

PS: I can only encourage you to follow Two Minutes Papers. That channel is just so good, with simple and quick explanations, even when it’s a heavy subject like GPT4

Spotify Linux: fix crash or bad window at startup

If ever at some points Spotify on Linux refuses to start or start with fucked up graphics, there is a high probability that it’s due to hardware acceleration and a pesky update.

Spotify isn’t that much of a GUI CPU hog, so you can start it with hardware acceleration OFF and make it work again, like this:

spotify –disable-gpu

Some users reported that they needed to use –no-zygote too, but it made it instable for me.

Some had to also use –disable-software-rasterizer. I saw no changes when using it.

#spotify #gpu #linux #crash