HackRF Portapack Mayhem Firmware, Search/Freqman evolution branch

On top of the existing ‘search and stay X seconds after a match’ the SearchApp have been updated with a ‘search and stay’ mode: stay while matching, leave after X seconds of inactivity, reset counters on activity during the wait. mode,
To use it just specify a negative value in the ‘wait’ field using the rotary encoder.

As some have some problems getting the bin back from discord, here you are:

The documentation is on the wiki, here:


Github page:


Portapack firmware with Search App and updated Freqman files (based on latest next )

  • I’ve build an up to date firmware with the last updates from next and the last version from search app and freqman enhancements.
  • The Search app is in the ‘receive’ menu
  • The documentation is here : https://github.com/GullCode/portapack-mayhem/wiki/Search
  • -Freqman now do understand freq files with that format:
    f=468000000 f=468000000,d=Single Freq f=468000000,m=AM,d=Single Freq AM f=468000000,m=NFM,d=Single Freq NFM f=468000000,m=WFM,d=Single Freq WFM f=468000000,m=AM,b=DSB,d=Single Freq AM DSB f=468000000,m=AM,b=USB,d=Single Freq AM USB f=468000000,m=AM,b=LSB,d=Single Freq AM LSB a=87000000,b=110000000 a=87000000,b=110000000,m=AM,s=100KHz,d=AM radio search a=87000000,b=110000000,m=AM,b=DSB,s=250KHz,d=AM radio search LSB a=87000000,b=110000000,m=WFM,b=16k,s=50KHz,d=WFM radio search s=50KHz r=430150000,t=430550000 r=430150000,t=430550000,d=HAM radio r=430150000,t=430550000,m=AM,b=DSB,d=HAM radio
  • The freqman GUI have note been improved and may show partial results on new formatted lines
  • Description of the fields:
    f=freq for one frequency or a=start_frequency,b=end_frequency for a range
  • All fields except ‘f=freq’ or ‘a=freqA,b=freqB’ are mandatory. If nothing specified actual value is used.
  • As a reminder :
    -Most of the time if the Search app is not working as you expected it’s coming from a SDCARD problem.
    -You need a SDCARD for the Search app to save settings between runs and between settings menu / main gui, and you need a SEARCH folder at the root of it.
    -Don’t forget to check that by default the ‘input: load’ fields in ‘search app -> params -> more ‘ are all checked.
    -You HAVE to click save in ordre to save the settings.