KrampusHack 2020 FINISHED

And here is my entry: a space shooter !

RazorCrest (click here to download)

Task (for NunoMartinez):

Finally, here it is my wishlist:
* Fast game. I mean that you can play a complete “play” in few minutes.
* Minimalistic graphics. Don’t make them complex.
* Finally, select one of your own wishes.

How I achieved the rules:

  • Fast game. I mean that you can play a complete “play” in few minutes.
    ===> You start it you play
  • Minimalistic graphics. Don’t make them complex.
    ===> Only 4 sprites and they are very basic due to my drawing style, the rest is only circles, triangles and rectangles
  • Finally, select one of your own wishes.
    ===> Particles !!!

How to play:

-up to start moving
-arrows to move the ship
=> more XP = quicker
-use the mouse to aim and use mouse button or key CTRL to fire
=> more XP = more and better bullets, better accuracy
-green monsters are light enemies that are just traveling here
-yellow monsters are aggressives enemies that are targeting you
-red monsters are very aggressives enemies that are targeting you, and they are more solid
-the more you kill the more power you have to kill
-hitting the walls or being hit by an enemy makes you loose life and XP (thus fire power)


Building from source:

-Go with a shell into to SRC/KRAMPUSHACK2020
-Type make
-If it works move the binary to ../..
-If it’s not working, come and complain here :-p

Hint for finishing

-Because the ship can speed up does not mean you should use it all the time
-Kill as much as you can on first levels so you have the firepower for next levels
-Use thrust/slow down/side jumps to avoid enemies while shooting at them