Compare two json in shell

I did it using the JQ command line tool from

Exemple: list all json files from current directory and print the difference with updated jsons from updated/ directory

for user in  `ls updated-users`
    # print file name
    echo $user
    # simple 
    diff <(jq -S . users/$user) <(jq -S . updated-users/$user)
    # or full on one side and the diff on the other side
    # diff -y --left-column <(jq -S . users/$user) <(jq -S . updated-users/$user)
    # or full on one side and the diff on the other side, colored
    # diff -y --left-column --color  <(jq -S . users/$user) <(jq -S . updated-users/$user)

#shell #diff #json #script

Khelda II [KrampusHack 2021] Game Jam

I made a Zelda II alike world with a big map on top view and some dungeons in side view. Permanent world, only the monsters are reset between dungeons / starts.

The limit was way overdue before I could do all I wanted so I’m linking both version here, the entry for the compo and the updated / finalised one.

Compo rules:

Tins log :

git repo:

Click here for full pack with datas, sources and binaries


Gameplay demo : 

Khelda II gameplay demo


How to play:

  • You are Kwink. You have to save princess Khelda which is kept prisonner by an Ogre
  • You directly start on the main map. Move around and kill some simple monsters to gain a bit of XP/Life before trying yourself at the dungeons.
  • Each dungeons is guarded by a lot of mobs. Killing them is up to you. Leveling up before being traped in a dungeon is recommended
  • Find all the 3 key fragments before going onto the last dungeon. Deliver princess Khelda by defeating the last mob


  • Esc: quit
  • Arrow keys: move, go up/down or jump/crouch
  • CTRL/LeftMouseButton: attack
  • F1 -> F4t: change weapon (Wood stick, sword, magic bow, magic wand)
  • Key PAD PLUS: shield potion
  • Key PAD ENTER: health potion

Items to be collected:

  • shield (passive, always equiped once found)
  • sword of Khelda
  • magic ice wand
  • infinite arrow bow
  • health potion
  • shield potion

Obtain: the kiss of the princess one the Ogre is dead !


  • Leveling up a bit on easy monsters before trying yourself to a dungeon
  • Wandering around and use the map find the sword, the magic wand, the arrow, the shield
  • Loot a bit of potions before entering the last dungeon



  • configurable log level, example: ./KheldaII.exe -V DEBUG
  • cheat: editable player_state.json after first execution


How to build: need gcc on linux and gcc + msys / cygwin on windows

mkdir -p KheldaII
mkdir -p KheldaII/LIB
mkdir -p KheldaII/Src/
cd KheldaII/LIB
git clone .
cd ../Src/
git clone