I did it using the JQ command line tool from https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
Exemple: list all json files from current directory and print the difference with updated jsons from updated/ directory
for user in `ls updated-users`
# print file name
echo $user
# simple
diff <(jq -S . users/$user) <(jq -S . updated-users/$user)
# or full on one side and the diff on the other side
# diff -y --left-column <(jq -S . users/$user) <(jq -S . updated-users/$user)
# or full on one side and the diff on the other side, colored
# diff -y --left-column --color <(jq -S . users/$user) <(jq -S . updated-users/$user)
#shell #diff #json #script