KAFKA: raw write your own encoded AVRO event

Like they said, if you use a language for which serializers aren’t written yet, you can write the encoded event yourself. Here are both the recipe and the link:

0Magic ByteConfluent serialization format version number; currently always 0.
1-4Schema ID4-byte schema ID as returned by Schema Registry.


#kafka #avro #schema #id #raw #event #wire #format

GPT4 analysis by Two Minutes Papers

#GPT4 is so amazing that it is a little bit frightening.

But hey, you can pour it a book and talk… to the book, isn’t it amazing ??

Seriously, the GPTs are incredible and the futur is going to change for sure.

Good or bad, well, wait and see.

PS: I can only encourage you to follow Two Minutes Papers. That channel is just so good, with simple and quick explanations, even when it’s a heavy subject like GPT4

Spotify Linux: fix crash or bad window at startup

If ever at some points Spotify on Linux refuses to start or start with fucked up graphics, there is a high probability that it’s due to hardware acceleration and a pesky update.

Spotify isn’t that much of a GUI CPU hog, so you can start it with hardware acceleration OFF and make it work again, like this:

spotify –disable-gpu

Some users reported that they needed to use –no-zygote too, but it made it instable for me.

Some had to also use –disable-software-rasterizer. I saw no changes when using it.

#spotify #gpu #linux #crash